Episode 2.3- Pattern and geometry
Isolate and redraw the single elements of your original pattern.
Create your individual sets of geometries as sequences of parts.
Place them within the overall figure of your pattern.
Try to uncover the underlying geometry as 2D figure. Your selected pattern contains rules of repetition and multiplication.
What is the inherent principle according to which the single module proliferates?
Reveal the rules, tiling strategies, layers and constraints, which are at the basis of the selected geometries.
Apply different ways of repositioning, combination and transformation of single elements to new entities, forming new patterns of complex organizations. Particularly, you should have a set of drawings exploring operations of repetition, rotation, overlapping.
On 11 x 17” paper print the following:
Series of 2D drawings of your single components. The original overall pattern should always be present as background figure, as reference;
Series of 2D drawings where you are to explore repositioning, combinations and transformations of single elements through repetition;
Series of 2D drawings where you are to explore repositioning, combinations and transformations of single elements through rotation;
Series of 2D drawings where you are to explore repositioning, combinations and transformations of single elements through overlapping;
Scale 1:1 with your construction
Use Autocad 2007
Due Wed, Oct. 3rd
Key words:
Module isolation/part extraction/component extrusion